Welded Structures

Are you searching for specialist welders to support you in your latest engineering project? Whatever industry sector you’re involved with, you can guarantee that we have the skilled welders and fabrication capacity available to help. We offer a variety of Coded Welded Structures here at Oldham Engineering, and because we offer our services to a wide range of companies across the UK, we have been infused with a great amount of batch fabrication knowledge.

We have procedure qualifications to the American Welding Society standard AWS D1.1. Due to our commitment to this standard, our team of welders are able to cover all common welding requirements. We are able to offer welded structures for commonly used carbon and low-alloy constructional steels. With our welding certification, it complements our welding accreditations to Norsokm101, ISO BSEN 15614 and ASMEIX. With our experience, training, accreditations and certifications, we are the ideal supply partner for Oil & Gas Bespoke Fabrication, Subsea Bespoke Fabrication, Defence Engineering and Nuclear Bespoke Fabrication.

Our platers and Coded Welders are qualified to international standards, offering you the materials and products you require for your construction. Our materials and qualifications include Carbon Steel, Carbon Steel LT50, High Strength Steel S690QL, Stainless Steel, Duplex 2205 and a dedicated High Integrity Fabrication Division. With our extensive range of welding processes, we are able to offer Flux Corded Arc Welding, MIG Welding, MMA Welding, Shielded Metal Arc Welding, Submerged Arc Welding and TIG Welding.

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