The process from start to finish for when creating components for machines, spare parts and complete products will combine planning, experience and quality to ensure that each stage suits the next. It is something, therefore, that must be devolved to a professional team. Our work involving machined components from our UK base at Oldham Engineering Limited has been a result of experience and our investment in the best machinery in the business.
What makes our machined capacity a great feature for your project?
We are passionate about the difference that our machined components can make to projects across the world. The vast differences that we see in each project and task ensures that we place our money into securing the latest machinery. Our UK premises can boast Precision Machining Floor Borers of various types, CNC machinery, a range of diverse horizontal borers, CNC milling machine, a collection of vertical borers as well as heavy-duty precision drilling machines.
On top of these machines and the ability of our team to suit their abilities to the requirements of your project, we can boast floor space of up to 80,000sqft. This allows us to take on board almost any project given to us from machined components, nuclear and power generation and everything in between.
To understand more about our work across the engineering world, speak with us today.