Why We’re Chosen To For Aerospace Jigs And Fixtures

The aerospace industry combines two of man’s greatest achievements. The ability to fly and the ability to reach outer space. These huge aspects make up one of the biggest sectors in the world which is dominated by a demand for innovation and excellence. Anything less in these two departments is a failure.

To make sure that every product that we create at Oldham Engineering meets the highest standards for the aerospace industry, we’re constantly working to improve our processes. We’re tasked with creating aerospace jigs and fixtures that help to maintain, fix and improve aerospace machinery and systems.

For our team to create aerospace jigs and fixtures in the UK, we need to call upon our years of experience and an exceptional floor space. Fortunately, we can utilise our 150 years in the business alongside our 80,000sqft floor space to create everything that your company needs.

Our standing in the aerospace industry isn’t solely for jigs and fixtures, we can help with everything from: Aerospace assembly fixtures, aerospace fabrication, aerospace tooling, aerospace machining, aerospace aluminium machining as well as a vast array of other engineered solutions.

We’re on hand to guide you through the whole process from beginning to end. To discover more about our aerospace jigs and fixtures, speak to us today.