As the nuclear industry grows worldwide it is always vital that we remember past disasters that have taken place on nuclear reactors and learn the value and importance of nuclear components being created with quality, safety and accuracy. Items such as nuclear shield doors, gamma gates and other safety critical components.
At Oldham Engineering we have the opportunity to provide your company with everything they need in terms of nuclear small machining with our separate floor space for nuclear activities. We’re tasked with creating bespoke nuclear equipment that can be used around the world as well as creating safety equipment for the secure decommissioning of nuclear waste and contaminated components.
The importance of proper practices when manufacturing items for the nuclear industry, makes our service one that is trusted across the UK. To ensure that we’re constantly keeping our work at the highest level, we’re regulated by the government’s NDA (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority) as well as plenty others.
Among our nuclear small machining work, our team at Oldham Engineering work on other parts of the nuclear scene, such as: nuclear heavy machining, lead lined nuclear components, nuclear industry bespoke fabrication, nuclear turnkey solutions, nuclear containment boxes and nuclear welding.
To discover more about our exceptional nuclear small machining work in the UK, get in contact with us today.